Posts Tagged 'John Gerrard'

Western Flag
Western Flag by John Gerrard (Spindletop, Texas / USA ) 2017
December 7, 2018 / Comments Off on Western Flag

Western Flag
Western Flag by John Gerrard (Spindletop, Texas / USA ) 2017
December 7, 2018 / Comments Off on Western Flag

John Gerrard
born 20th of July 1974 John Gerrard is an Irish artist, working in Dublin and Vienna, best known for his sculptures, which typically take the form of digital simulations displayed using Real-time computer graphics. Work Western Flag Contents Education
July 20, 1974 / Comments Off on John Gerrard

John Gerrard
born 20th of July 1974 John Gerrard is an Irish artist, working in Dublin and Vienna, best known for his sculptures, which typically take the form of digital simulations displayed using Real-time computer graphics. Work Western Flag Contents Education
July 20, 1974 / Comments Off on John Gerrard